Getting Started
1. Project Setup
First, create and initialize your project:
Copy mkdir lumia-api-quickstart
cd lumia-api-quickstart
npm init --yes
2. Install Dependencies
You can use any HTTP client or Web3 library. Here are a few options:
Using Axios (HTTP Client)
Using Web3.js
Using Ethers.js
3. Making RPC Requests
Here are examples using different libraries:
Using Axios
Copy const axios = require ( 'axios' );
const RPC_URL = '' ;
async function getLatestBlock () {
const response = await axios .post ( RPC_URL , {
jsonrpc : '2.0' ,
id : 1 ,
method : 'eth_blockNumber' ,
params : []
console .log ( 'Latest Block:' , response . data .result);
getLatestBlock ();
Using Web3.js
Copy const Web3 = require ( 'web3' );
const web3 = new Web3 ( '' );
async function getNetworkInfo () {
const [ blockNumber , gasPrice , chainId ] = await Promise .all ([
web3 . eth .getBlockNumber () ,
web3 . eth .getGasPrice () ,
web3 . eth .getChainId ()
console .log ({
blockNumber ,
gasPrice : web3 . utils .fromWei (gasPrice , 'gwei' ) + ' gwei' ,
getNetworkInfo ();
Using Ethers.js
Copy const { ethers } = require ( 'ethers' );
const provider = new ethers .JsonRpcProvider ( '' );
async function getAccountBalance (address) {
const balance = await provider .getBalance (address);
console .log (
'Balance:' ,
ethers .formatEther (balance) ,
getAccountBalance ( '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e' );
Common RPC Methods
Here are some frequently used RPC methods:
Copy // Get latest block number
// Get network version
// Get gas price
// Get balance
// Get transaction count
// Send raw transaction
// Get transaction by hash
// Get block by number
// Get logs
Example: Complete Transaction Flow
Here's a complete example of sending a transaction using ethers.js:
Copy const { ethers } = require ( 'ethers' );
async function sendTransaction () {
// Initialize provider
const provider = new ethers .JsonRpcProvider ( '' );
// Create wallet from private key
const privateKey = 'your-private-key' ;
const wallet = new ethers .Wallet (privateKey , provider);
// Transaction parameters
const tx = {
to : "0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e" ,
value : ethers .parseEther ( "0.1" )
try {
// Send transaction
const transaction = await wallet .sendTransaction (tx);
console .log ( 'Transaction Hash:' , transaction .hash);
// Wait for confirmation
const receipt = await transaction .wait ();
console .log ( 'Transaction confirmed in block:' , receipt .blockNumber);
} catch (error) {
console .error ( 'Error:' , error);
Best Practices
Error Handling
Always implement proper error handling for RPC requests
Consider implementing retry logic for failed requests
Handle rate limiting appropriately
Performance Optimization
Batch related calls when possible
Cache responses when appropriate
Use WebSocket connections for real-time updates
Never expose private keys in your code
Use environment variables for sensitive data
Validate all input parameters