
One Node, Multiple Licenses

HyperNodes play a crucial role in Lumia's liquidity ecosystem. They provide the licenses for the operation rights of virtual Lumia machines. Additionally, they supply the licenses that can be used to delegate to DAC and DNLP node operators.

Lumia aims to create a balanced ecosystem where both nodes and delegators play crucial roles. This approach ensures that each participant contributes to the network's health and growth, while also receiving appropriate rewards for their efforts.

HyperNodes are a significant part of Lumia's endeavor to decentralize its Layer 2 as much as possible. This decentralization effort ensures a distributed network that is more secure, transparent, and resilient to attacks or failures.

There are multiple ways for users to comfortably engage in the HyperNodes ecosystem:

  • Unlock Ecosystem Rewards: Gain access to daily ecosystem rewards upon purchase.

  • Delegation to DAC Nodes: Lock your HyperNode to delegate and earn Lumia rewards.

  • Delegation to Liquidity Nodes: Lock your HyperNode to delegate and earn Lumia rewards.

  • Node Owned Liquidity: Every HyperNode automatically participates, optimizing idle asset use.

  • Run a DNLP Node: Operate a DNLP Node for further engagement and additional rewards.

  • Run a DAC Node: Operate a DAC Node for further engagementand additional reward.

HyperNode Rewards and Delegation Rewards

HyperNodes Rewards

HyperNode rewards constitute 50% of the newly minted token supply (NTS). These tokens are distributed equally among all holders according to a predetermined schedule.

The HyperNodes pool is divided into two distinct rewards structures:

  1. Regular Rewards (40%): These rewards are equally divided among all node holders.

  2. Power Pool (10%) : This pool incentivizes network participants, delegators and activated nodes.

HyperNodes Rewards Pool Emission Schedule

The rewards for nodes are halved every 360 days, continuing for a span of 20 years.

YearHalving #End DayDaily Token Distribution









































Emission Numbers for HyperNode Owners in Year 1:

Regular Rewards Y1Power Rewards Y1



Delegation Rewards

Additional delegation rewards can be unlocked by HyperNode owners through a form of staked delegation. When delegating to DAC and DNLP Nodes, HyperNodes and Lumia Tokens are locked for the entire delegation period.

Delegating to DAC & DNLP Nodes

After the initial launch phase, delegation option will be accessible to all HyperNode owners. They can then choose to delegate to either a DAC node or a DNLP node based on their preference from the dashboard. One node comes with multiple licenses, yet only one license can be actively delegated at any given time. After the delegation period ends, a user can switch to a different node. If a user wishes to delegate to multiple nodes, or different nodes, multiple HyperNode purchases will be required.

When users delegate to nodes, their influence within the ecosystem increases. Both the user and the node operator become eligible for additional rewards from the designated pools.

Read Here: What are DAC Nodes

Read Here: What are DNLP Nodes

HyperNode Pricing Structure

Maximum Supply

50.000 Nodes

Initial Node Price

1000 USDT

Price Increase After

Every 100 Nodes Sold + Price Increased by Magnitude of Phase

Price Locked Nodes

10.000 (Phase 1)

The maximum supply of HyperNodes is 50,000. The initial price per Node is set at 1000 USDT. After every 100 Nodes sold, the price will increase. During Phase 1 the price increase rule will be ignored, the price for 10,000 Nodes will be locked at 1000 USDT.For every 5,000 nodes sold, the pricing tier steps up and the increment in node price changes as follows:


Price Increase Magnitude

Price Step






/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold



/100 Nodes Sold

As the number of sold nodes progresses through these phases, the price increase magnitude for every 100 nodes sold adjusts according to the above table. This creates an escalating price system that incentivizes early purchase.


In Phase 1, 10,000 nodes are sold without a price increase, so the starting, ending, and average price remains at $1,000.

In Phase 2, an additional 5,000 nodes are sold. For every 100 nodes sold, the price increases by $5, resulting in the ending price reaching $1,245 and an average price of $1,123.

In Phase 3, the price increase magnitude doubles to $10 for every 100 nodes sold. This leads to an ending price of $1,745 and an average price of $1,500.

This pattern continues with the price increase magnitude doubling each time, reaching $20, $40, $80, $160, $320, and $640 in Phases 4 through 9 respectively.

Power Rewards

The power pool is designed to distribute rewards based on the user's contributions in three categories: Referrals, Nodes Held, and Delegations. This ensures that users who contribute more significantly to the network receive a larger share of the rewards.

Indeed, the Power Rewards system is designed to encourage active contributions to the Lumia ecosystem. By holding more nodes, making referrals, and delegating resources, users can increase their "power" and therefore earn a larger share of the daily power pool. This pool constitutes one-sixth of the total HyperNodes Pool, which in turn represents 50% of the new token supply of Lumia.

Power Pool Emission Year 1: 17.000 Lumia/Day

The total Power for the entire network is the sum of all individual Power.

Referral Power

Number of Node ReferralsPower

1 Referral

1 power

2 Referral

3 power

5 Referrals

7 power

10 Referrals

16 power

25 Referrals

46 power

50 Referrals

110 power

100 Referrals+

200 power

Nodes Hold Power

Number of NodesPower

5 Nodes

7 power

10 Nodes

16 power

20 Nodes

46 power

50 Nodes

110 power

100 Nodes

200 power

Delegations Power

Number of DelegationsPower

1 Delegation

8 power

3 Delegations

25 power

5 Delegations

50 power

10 Delegations

120 power

Note: Any delegation power earned goes solely to the delegated nodes and will not appear in your unstaked nodes' power amplifier within the dashboard.

To calculate the total power for a user, sum the powers from the Referral, Nodes Hold, and Delegation categories:

Total Power = Referral Power + Nodes Hold Power + Delegation Power


The Cashback program rewards HyperNode owners for successfully referring new node purchasers. This incentive aims to encourage community growth and participation by providing immediate financial benefits for referrals.

Number of Nodes ReferredCashback

Up to 25 Nodes


26 to 50 Nodes


51 to 75 Nodes


76 to 100 Nodes


101 to 125 Nodes


More than 125 Nodes


Cashbacks are handled automatically with every purchase. The cashbacks are sent to the wallet address corresponding to the referral code.

Claiming Lumia HyperNode Rewards

The rewards for Lumia, come in "locked" form with a standard lock period of 90 days. This lock period begins once the token ticker changes, effectively marking the start of the lock period.

However, there is an option for an earlier unlock. This penalty varies depending on how early you choose to unlock your rewards:

  • Unlock within 60 days: 45% claimable

  • Unlock between 60-90 days: 66% claimable

  • Unlock after 90 days: Fully claimable

HyperNode Owner Airdrops

HyperNode owners may be eligible for periodic airdrops of Lumia and other ecosystem tokens. This endeavor is designed to continually bring value to Lumia's early supporters. Many projects are anticipated to launch on Lumia, further enhancing the benefits for HyperNode owners.

Phased Release

The HyperNode ecosystem will be rolled out in phases. The emission of HyperNode rewards will begin from the day of sale. Alongside this, Node Owned Liquidity and Delegation will be incrementally introduced. Early stages will offer basic versions, while later stages will respond to the growing liquidity demands of the Lumia network.

Note: HyperNodes will be managed on Lumia servers in Phase 1 and 2. In Phase 3 decentralization of infrastructure will be accelerated through allowing users to activate and run nodes locally.

How To Purchase HyperNodes

HyperNode Purchase Guide

Last updated