DAC Nodes

Lumia L2's Approach to Data Availability: DAC Nodes Cluster

Lumia L2, being a state-of-the-art Layer 2 scaling solution, recognizes the importance of data availability and has developed its own approach to ensure the integrity and accessibility of transaction data. Lumia L2 introduces the concept of Data Availability Committee (DAC) nodes, which form a cluster responsible for storing and serving the transaction data.

DAC Nodes and Node Licenses

To become a DAC node operator, participants must acquire a "node license" in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT). These node licenses grant the holders the right to operate a DAC node and earn rewards in the form of LUMIA tokens for their services.

Lumia L2 has partnered with trusted entities to serve as the initial DAC node operators. However, to promote decentralization and community participation, Lumia L2 also allows "node sale" participants who have purchased a node license NFT to delegate their node to these trusted DAC nodes. By delegating their node, participants can earn a portion of the LUMIA rewards allocated to the DAC nodes cluster.

Technical Details of DAC Nodes Cluster

The DAC nodes cluster in Lumia L2 operates as follows:

  1. Data Storage: When a transaction is processed on the Lumia L2 network, the transaction data is distributed across the DAC nodes cluster. Each DAC node stores a portion of the data, ensuring that the data is replicated and readily available.

  2. Data Retrieval: When a participant needs to access the transaction data for validation or other purposes, they can request the data from the DAC nodes cluster. The DAC nodes work together to serve the requested data promptly.

  3. Data Integrity: To ensure the integrity of the stored data, Lumia L2 employs cryptographic techniques such as erasure coding and Merkle proofs. These techniques allow for the detection of any data corruption or tampering attempts.

  4. Reward Distribution: The LUMIA rewards allocated to the DAC nodes cluster are distributed among the node operators based on their contribution and uptime. The rewards are also shared with the node license NFT holders who have delegated their nodes to the trusted DAC nodes.

  5. Scalability and Resilience: The DAC nodes cluster is designed to scale horizontally, allowing for the addition of more nodes as the network grows. This scalability ensures that the data availability remains high even as the transaction volume increases. Additionally, the distributed nature of the cluster provides resilience against node failures or malicious actors.

Pros and Cons of Lumia L2's DAC Approach vs. EigenDA

When compared to other data availability solutions like EigenDA, Lumia L2's DAC approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Community Participation: Lumia L2's DAC approach allows for greater community participation through the node license NFT system. This promotes decentralization and incentivizes participants to actively contribute to the network's security and performance.

  2. Trusted Partners: By partnering with trusted entities to serve as the initial DAC node operators, Lumia L2 ensures a high level of reliability and stability in the early stages of the network's development.

  3. Reward Distribution: The DAC approach enables a fair distribution of rewards among node operators and node license NFT holders, creating a more inclusive and attractive ecosystem for participants.


  1. Complexity: Lumia L2's DAC approach introduces additional complexity compared to solutions like EigenDA, which may have a more streamlined architecture. Managing the DAC nodes cluster, node licenses, and reward distribution requires careful design and implementation.

  2. Dependency on Trusted Partners: While partnering with trusted entities provides stability, it also introduces a level of dependency on these partners. In contrast, solutions like EigenDA aim for a more decentralized approach from the outset.

  3. Potential for Centralization: If the number of trusted partners serving as DAC node operators remains limited, there is a risk of centralization within the DAC nodes cluster. This could be mitigated by continuously expanding the network of DAC nodes and encouraging more participation from the community.

How Lumia Addresses DAC Disadvantages

  1. Tackling Complexity: Lumia collaborates with Polygon and GatewayFM to streamline DAC implementation and management.

  2. Ensuring Accountability: Strict KYC/KYB policies for DAC node operators to maintain accountability and prevent data withholding.

  3. Combating Centralization: Plans to run up to 150 physical nodes with Polygon and GatewayFM to ensure decentralization.


Lumia L2's DAC approach to data availability represents a unique and innovative solution that prioritizes community participation, decentralization, and reward distribution. While it may introduce some complexities compared to other solutions like EigenDA, the DAC approach offers distinct advantages in terms of inclusivity and incentivization.

As Lumia L2 continues to refine and optimize its DAC nodes cluster, it has the potential to establish itself as a leading example of how data availability can be achieved in a decentralized and community-driven manner. By carefully balancing the pros and cons of its approach, Lumia L2 is well-positioned to deliver a robust and reliable data availability infrastructure that supports the growth and adoption of its Layer 2 scaling solution.

Last updated