Enhanced Validium

Lumia L2's Enhanced Validium Configuration: Incentivizing DAC Node Runners and Delegators

Lumia L2 is introducing an innovative approach to its Polygon CDK validium configuration by incentivizing Data Availability Committee (DAC) node runners and their delegators through a reward distribution mechanism. This enhancement aims to encourage participation, decentralization, and the overall health of the Lumia L2 network.

Reasoning behind the Enhancements

The primary reasons for introducing incentives for DAC node runners and delegators are:

  1. Encouraging Participation: By offering LUMIA token rewards, Lumia L2 incentivizes more individuals and entities to run DAC nodes and participate in the network's data availability and validation processes.

  2. Promoting Decentralization: Allowing node sale participants to delegate their NFTs to DAC nodes helps distribute the network's responsibilities and rewards among a wider group of stakeholders, promoting decentralization.

  3. Ensuring Network Health: Incentivizing DAC nodes based on factors such as uptime and fees encourages reliable and consistent performance, contributing to the overall health and stability of the Lumia L2 network.

Enhanced Validium Data Flow

The enhanced validium data flow in Lumia L2 builds upon the existing process, with the addition of reward distribution and calculation steps:

  1. Batch Formation: The sequencer collects user transactions, adds them to blocks, and organizes the blocks into batches while recursively computing their hash values.

  2. Batch Authentication: Once the batches are assembled and hash values computed, the sequencer forwards the batch data and corresponding hash values to the DAC for authentication.

  3. Data Validation and Storage: DAC nodes independently validate the batch data against the received hash values and store the validated hash values in their local databases for future reference.

  4. Signature Generation: Each DAC node generates a signature for each batch hash, endorsing the batch's integrity and authenticity.

  5. Communication with Ethereum and Reward Distribution: The sequencer collects the DAC members' signatures and the original batch hash and submits them to the Ethereum network for verification. Along with this, the sequencer also submits information about the participating DAC nodes and their delegators to a smart contract responsible for reward distribution.

  6. Verification on Ethereum: A designated multi-sig smart contract on Ethereum verifies the submitted signatures against each DAC member's known signatures and confirms that sufficient approval has been provided for the batch hash.

  7. Final Settlement with Zero-Knowledge Proof and Reward Calculation: The aggregator prepares a proof for the batch using the prover and submits it to the Ethereum network. This proof confirms the validity of the transactions in the batch without revealing transaction details, and the chain's state is updated on Ethereum. After successful settlement, the reward distribution smart contract calculates the rewards for each participating DAC node based on factors such as the number of delegated NFTs, uptime, and fees. The contract then distributes the LUMIA token rewards to the DAC nodes and their delegators according to the calculated amounts.

Reward Distribution Smart Contract

To facilitate the reward distribution process, Lumia L2 will develop a smart contract that can:

  1. Keep track of the DAC nodes and their delegators (via NFT delegation).

  2. Receive information about participating nodes from the sequencer.

  3. Calculate rewards based on the chosen criteria (e.g., round-robin, delegated NFTs, uptime, fees).

  4. Distribute LUMIA tokens to the nodes and delegators.

The reward calculation and distribution will be triggered after the successful settlement of each batch on Ethereum (step 7), ensuring that rewards are only given for properly validated and settled batches.

By implementing this enhanced validium configuration, Lumia L2 not only maintains the benefits of reduced gas fees and improved scalability but also fosters a more decentralized, participatory, and robust network. The incentivization of DAC node runners and delegators through LUMIA token rewards encourages active involvement, ultimately contributing to the long-term success and stability of the Lumia L2 ecosystem.

Last updated